Dropping the A-Bomb

Welcome To Class! 🙂

EQ: Was using the atomic bomb on Japan necessary for ending World War II?

Essential Skills: Construct an argument for both sides of an issue 

I can analyze arguments for and against using the atom bombs to end WWII

Assignment: Notes + Assignment set up

Hello! Today is out LAST lesson of WWII. We’re going to be studying the end of the war in the Pacific and the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan. These are the only two nuclear weapons to ever be used in war. Our goal today is to figure out if dropping them was necessary to end the war or if there were some alternatives. Your assignment today is going to be to try and understand both sides of the arguments by watching some video clips of historians making arguments about the decision.

Before we get there, let’s take some notes.


Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

What to do tonight:

Late work!

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

The Allied Victory

Welcome To Class! 🙂


Essential Skills:

I can

EQ: How did the Allies win the war? 

Essential Skills: Describe key events of the allied path to victory

I can create a storyboard to showcase how the allies won WWII

Assignment: Assignment Set notes

Hello! we’ll begin a new lesson on the Allied victory in WWII! We’ll also take a second to see how the war affected Japanese-Americans on the home front. The assignment today is short, so when you are finished, take some time to make sure you are all caught up! The deadline for WWII is this Friday

Below you’ll find your assignment and the scanned readings you’ll need to complete it.

This assignment is due today!

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

The Pacific Theater

Welcome To Class! 🙂

EQ: How did the US and Japan wage war in the Pacific?

Essential Skills: Determine the chronology of key events in WWII

I can: Analyze key events, ideas, and people from the pacific theater

Assignment: Notes + Assignment set up

Today we’re going back into a lesson on the battles of WWII. We’re basically picking up where we left off in our Opening battles lesson, but this time we’re going to focusing on the other half of the war:the Pacific theater. Today we’ll learn how the U.S. got involved in the war and a few other key battles. Your assignment is posted on google classroom

You have today to finish this assignment

But first, let’s take some quick notes

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

The Holocaust

Welcome To Class! 🙂

EQ: What causes Genocide?

Essential Skills: Use primary sources to understand atrocity crimes

I can: Describe the phases of the Holocaust

Assignment: Assignment set up

Good morning/afternoon! Today we are going to begin a two day study on the Holocaust. As this is a disturbing topic, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me either in class or after if something is bothering you. This is a lot to process.

I’m going to lead you through several exercises where we will read primary sources and watch videos. All your work will be done on the assignment that I put on google classroom called “Holocaust Journal”. If you were absent from class, all the instructions you need will be on the assignment page.

We’ll be starting this assignment today and finishing it tomorrow. 

Gallery Walk:

#1 Extermination Camps

#2 Young boy




What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

WWII Opening Battles

Welcome To Class! 🙂


EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Essential Skills: Utilize geography to understand global conflict

I can: Determine the major players and alliance systems of World War II

Agenda: Notes + Assignment Set up

Welcome to class!

Now that we’ve established some crucial background information on the beginning of WWII, we’re ready to begin. The next two days are all about battles, geography, and military strategy!

Today we’ll begin with some notes so that I can give you an overview of what happens in the first 3 years of the war. After that, I’ll be showing you the assignment that you’ll be working on today (4/18) and the next class period I see you.

You have today and tomorrow to finish the assignment we begin today. 

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

Scanned Readings

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

WWII Map Study

Welcome To Class! 🙂

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Essential Skills: Utilize geography to understand global conflict

I can: Determine the major players and alliance systems of World War II

Agenda: Assignment set up

Good morning! Today in class we will begin by taking some time to finish our assignment from yesterday. Afterwards we will begin a map study to take a deeper look at who was involved in WWII and where the major European battles took place! 

This new assignment will be due today!

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

WWII Causes

Welcome To Class! 🙂


EQ: What causes WWII?

Essential Skills:

Identify and describe lines of cause + effect

I can Explain how and why WWII started

Agenda: Notes + Assignment set up

Good afternoon! Today in world history we finished up our German Path to war assignment and then began the WWII Causes assignment. If you were absent today, you’ll need to complete the assignment below individually. For those in class, we’ll be working together in groups to get a better idea of what causes WWII.

But first, we need to take some notes! Make sure you have these if you missed!

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

In groups, pick 3 of the 5 causes from your notes to focus on in the assignment below.

You only need to do 3!

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

German Path To War

Welcome To Class! 🙂


EQ: How did Europe respond to Germany’s expansion?

Essential Skills:

List and describe the responses to German aggression

I can summarize the goals of German expansion and the European response.

Agenda: Notes + Assignment set up

Welcome to World War 2! Today we are going to begin our new unit by taking a closer look at Hitler’s goals for Nazi Germany and the ways European nations responded and interacted with them. First we’ll start with some notes to define some important terms and then we’ll dive into our assignment.

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Postwar Quiz

Welcome To Class! 🙂

Agenda: Review Game and Quiz

Today we are going to play a blookit review game and then take our test! If you were absent, you will need to take the quiz next time you are in class.

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!


Welcome To Class! 🙂

Agenda: Catch up on missing work!

As we’re wrapping up our postwar unit and preparing for WWII, let’s take a day to get caught up missing work and take a breather. You guys have been working so hard! I’m proud of all that you’ve accomplished.

Open up google classroom and check to see if you are missing assignments. If you see any missing assignments, get started and turn them in to me! 

If you are all caught up, I’m going to be playing an episode of Sleepy Hollow. If you’d like, you can follow along and write down 5 historical facts during class to earn extra credit! If not, work on assignments from other classes.

Call me over if you need any help or have questions! 

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!