Dictator Meet and Greet: Mussolini

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: What does it take to be a dictator?ย 

Essential Skills:

Differentiate between types of political leadership

I canย identify the characteristics of dictators during the interwar period.ย 

Agenda: Assignment Set Up

Today we are starting a project to get to know the dictators of Europe better. You may already know their names, but we are going to dig deeper on their individual characteristics

Your job will be to summarize the leadership of each dictator in the format of your choice. Today we will be starting with Mussolini!

When you log on to google classroom you will find the reading resources you need to get started.

Here are some ideas for possible formats!



Other ideas:

  • Brochure
  • Business Pitch Powerpoint
  • Resume
  • Dating Profile
  • Twitter/Instagram Account
  • Newspaper article 
  • Infographic
  • Zine 
  • Magazine Article
  • TIME Person of the Year Cover
  • Anything else you can think of! 

We will be covering 3 dictators in total! One on each day for the rest of the week.ย 

Instructions page is below:

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!


Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: What is totalitarianism and how is it sustained?

Essential Skills:

Analyze key vocabulary using the frayer model. 

I can Identify key features of totalitarianism 

Agenda: Notes and Assignment Set up

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

Next we’ll be completing a short assignment to develop and refine the concept of totalitarianism using the frayer model. Instructions can be found on the assignment page

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Nationalism News Part 2

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: How did nationalism spread globally after WWI?

Essential Skills:

Identify the conditions that foster nationalism

I can  Summarize the events of global postwar nationalism

Agenda: Assignment Set up

Today we are going to start a continue our project to explore how nationalism swept the globe during the postwar era. Yesterday we finished one region together and started on one more. Your job today will be to finish the one we started yesterday as well as two more after that. Further instructions can be found on your assignment page

Latin America






What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Nationalism News Part 1

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: How did nationalism spread globally after WWI?

Essential Skills:

Identify the conditions that foster nationalism

I can  Summarize the events of global postwar nationalism

Agenda: Assignment Set up

Today we are going to start a small project that will explore how nationalism swept the globe during the postwar era. We are going to focus on 3 regions where nationalism occurred, each with its own unique story. Further instructions can be found on your assignment page

Latin America






What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Postwar Art and Literature

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: How did literature and art change in the interwar period?

Essential Skills:

Utilize internet sources to conduct research

I can Identify and describe art and literature during the interwar period.

Agenda: Notes + Research Assignment

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

1930s Literature

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Postwar Fashion + Entertainment

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: How did fashion and entertainment change during the interwar years?

Essential Skills:

Utilize internet sources to conduct research

I can: Identify and describe fashion and entertainment during the interwar period

Agenda: Assignment set up

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

Womenโ€™s Fashion History Through Newspapers

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Postwar Science + Technology

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: How did science and technology change during the postwar period?

Essential Skills:

Utilize internet sources to conduct research

I can identify and describe new technologies and discoveries of the postwar period

Agenda: Assignment Set Up

Over the next few days we are going to complete a research project on fashion, art, entertainment, science, and technology during the postwar era.

Today we are going to begin our research project and focus on postwar science and technology!

Below you will find some resources to help you get started!

Inventions of the 1920s

Inflation Calculator

Science in the 1920s

Science in the 1930s

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Great Depression

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: How did the Great Depression affect the global economy?

Essential Skills:

Identify the links between economics and politics

I can describe the global effects of economic depression

Agenda: Guided Notes and Discussion Questions

Today we are going to learn about the Great Depression and its global consequences. Everything you need for today’s assignment is on your google classroom assignment!

Below you will find a link to the Crash Course video, a copy of your assignment, and the reading resource we will use later.

This link will take you to a transcript of the Crash Course Video


What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Postwar Overview

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: What was life like after WWI?

Essential Skills:

Identify the effects of global war

I can analyze the text of an international pact.

Agenda: Notes + Kellogg Briand Pact

Open up a google doc or your notebook and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

  • Title your notes
  • Underline or highlight important terms
  • Complete left column and summary sections

Your assignment for today is to learn about the Kellogg-Briand pact. This international treaty was groundbreaking at the time as it was the first attempt at making war illegal. Instructions can be found on the assignment page. In class we will be going over challenging vocabulary, which is a crucial step for reading the text of a primary source. If you were absent, you will need to do the same.

What to do tonight:

Anything not finished in class

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!

Russian Revolution

Welcome To Class! ๐Ÿ™‚


EQ: Why does government change?

Essential Skills: Analyze the causes of regime change.

I can Summarize the main events of the Russian Revolution via secondary source reading.

Agenda: Russian Revolution Jigsaw Activity

Open up your assignment on google classroom and follow the instructions! We are going to complete a jigsaw, which means you and your table partners will be responsible for one section and then you will partner up with your classmates to complete the rest.

If you were absent this day, you will need to complete all 4 sections individually.

If you need them, all the readings are below in addition to being on the assignment page.

What to do tonight:


Please be safe!

Confused about this assignment or about life?

Email me


Have a great day!